Journey of Desperation

SÜBKÜLTÜR AM DIENSTAG, 10.09.2024 um 20:00 Uhr

About the ‘Journey of Desperation’

Hardly anyone of us gets around the striking images of trucks and boats overfilled with refugees on their way to Europe. But what is beyond these images? How does it feel to walk through the hot sand of the Sahara Desert in a state between life and death? What thoughts run through someone’s mind who is on a boat in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea when the engine stops going and water starts entering? How is life in the reception camps of Europe?

Destiny Nduka is taking us on an emotional journey through the different stages of the ‘Journey of Desperation’ from his own lived experience. Destiny is from Nigeria. He came to Europe in 2017 and is now living in Bamberg from where he is writing, making music and producing videos about the refugee experience, partly in collaboration with Farafina Institute.

Through a combination of scenes of the movie ‘Voice of Refugees’, excerpts of his book, some of his songs – and of course plenty of space for questions and discussions – he is sharing with us not only the events of the journey, but also the emotions that come with it. The journey comprises the Sahara Desert and the Mediterranean Sea.

Entrance: 2€
Start: 20:00



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