SübSalon Neue Musik: Julia Weldon

SÜBKÜLTÜR AM DIENSTAG, 14.08.18 um 20:00 Uhr

We welcome the amazing Julia Weldon!

This summer is for music and radical love. Julia Weldon from Brooklyn/NYC has arrived in Bayreuth, playing the first-ever gig in Germany at Sübkültür. We are happy!

This SübSalon is a teaser for the literature festival „Bayreuth blättert“, of which Julia Weldon is the guest of honor. It’s not without reason that Bayreuth is on the list of touring sites – it is the town in which their grandmother, the exiled poet Hilde Marx, was born and lived her formative years. This was before national socialists destroyed one poet’s freedom. Here, on our streets. Let’s give this night to this story never happening again.

So this night is about re-connecting, about joy, music, kindness, fierceness and the future as a possibility. Enjoy this SübSalon with us, talk, dance, get together.

And do something for our global collective. On this night, we invite you to leave a collection for our partners in Turkey: The Mersin Kültürhane. At a later point in the year we will connect via skype again and do a nite about the cooperation.

So for Tuesday it is: Dress up + shine – we’ll send pictures to Mersin. And some money. We’re in this together.

Brooklyn indie artist Julia Weldon is a poet, singer, guitarist, ukulele-ist and actor. They were beginning work on her second full-length album when complications from gender-affirming top surgery put her in a coma, almost taking her life. After a year of recovery, contemplation, and prolific experimentation, Julia had written their most recent album Comatose Hope. For more info see: http://juliaweldon.com